Fee Structure 2024/25

On Admission (Pre Nursery to 10th Standard)

1Registration Fee5000
2Admission Fee14000
3Caution Money1000
4Sports and Upgradation Fee5000

Class XI

 Old StudentsNew Students
Admission Fee800011000
Sports and Upgradation Fee50005000

Monthly Charges

  2nd Child3rd & 4th
Pre-Nursery to II2455+100(Smart Class)2210+1002090+100
III to V2670+100(Smart Class)2405+1002270+100
VI to X3060+100(Smart Class)2755+1002600+100
XI & XII (Commerce)3445+100(Smart Class)3100+1002925+100
XI & XII (Science)3700+100(Smart Class)3330+1003145+100

Annual Charges (Once in a year at the beginning of the new session) - 6000/-

It is charged for construction & repairs, installing audio-visual equipment, computers, library books, science equipment, sports items, medical expenses, security services, prizes for different activities, functions, emergency expenses, Bank liabilities, horticulture, payment of bills etc, Annual charges to be paid in the beginning of the new session.

Fee Concession

2nd Child10% Tuition Fee + 10% Annual charges
3rd and 4th Child15% Tuition Fee + 15% Annual charges
Sponsored Children50% concession in all the fees
CWSN StudentsAs per norms

Staff Child

Admission Charges 10,000
Annual Charges 6000
Monthly Bus Fee As per the pickup point